2012年2月11日 星期六

Beyonce, 碧昂絲

Beyoncé | The Music Destination http://www.beyonceonline.com/us
Beyonce is back and better than ever [SLIDESHOW] Beyonce released her debut solo album, The Daily Caller http://dailycaller.com/2011/06/28/beyone-is-back-and-better-than-ever-slideshow/beyonce-dangerously-in-love-del-2003-delantera/
Beyonce Officially Drops Out Of Clint Eastwoods Re-Make Of A STAR IS BORN | Cnikky.com http://www.cnikky.com/beyonce-officially-drops-out-of-clint-eastwoods-re-make-of-a-star-is-born/

Beyoncé wanted to headline South Africa festival for next year's celebration of 20 years of democracy - 3am & Mirror Online  http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/beyonc-wanted-headline-south-africa-2327549

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